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Both of my kids have loved ice for a very long time. Holding ice, chewing ice, sucking ice – they love it all!
The next installment in my 101 Ways to Teach the Alphabet Series is inspired by my kids’ love for ice. I call this activity icy letter writing.
Icy letter writing is not only a good way to get kids to practice writing their letters, it also provides a fun (and cold!) sensory experience.

I set up this activity by placing a bowl of ice cubes on the table along with a sheet of construction paper.

I invited my daughter to grab an ice cube and practice writing her letters on the paper. As the water melts off the ice cube, it soaks into the construction paper and leaves a nice, dark mark on the paper.

And there’s a letter ‘m’ written in ice!

Her hands got cold, so I gave her a small rag to hold the ice. With that rag, she happily continued making icy letters on her paper.

More ways to teach to the alphabet
More alphabet posts from Gift of Curiosity:
- Road Letters
- Letter hunt sensory bin
- Erasing letters with a Q-tip
- Making letters with straws and play dough
- I spy letter hunt
- Spaghetti letters
- Letter puzzles
- Montessori sandpaper letters
- Making “alphabet soup”
- Smash the puffy letters
- Mini letter hunt with a magnifying glass
- Kinetic sand letters
- Letter hopscotch
- Crystallized letters
- Letter hop
- Yarn wrapped letters
- Letter tic-tac-toe
- Rainbow letters
You can find more ways to teach the alphabet on my Literacy Activities for Kids page and my Letter Learning Pinterest board.