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Today I’m sharing a fun little printable book that works on counting skills. “My Apple Counting Book” is a handy resource for use during a preschool or kindergarten apple unit to support the development of early math skills. Kids will enjoy creating their own fill-in-the-apples book to share with others.
Note: For more apple activities, see my Apple Unit Study page.

Here is a sneak peak at the pages included in the My Apple Counting Book printable.

You may wish to print and assemble the book ahead of time. Then have your child identify the numbers on each page and add the appropriate number of apples to the tree.

Use as many or as few of the pages as you wish. Kids will feel proud of the books they have created!
Want a copy of my Apple Counting Book?
Get it as part of the Apple Unit Study.
Or get it by clicking the button below.
More apple resources
More apple posts from Gift of Curiosity:
Looks really cute!