This was a basic math activity I cooked up to introduce some simple graphing practice to my kids. Because we had never done any graphing work before, I wanted to keep this activity simple. I also wanted something colorful and fun that would grab their attention. Fortunately, this pom pom graphing activity fit the bill and was a hit with my ... Continue Reading
Preschool botany lesson part 2 – dyeing flowers
Want to amaze your kids while also teaching them a science lesson? In part 2 of our preschool botany lessons series, I am sharing how we dyed flowers three different shades of colors in order to teach a lesson about how plants take up water from the ground. Note: For more botany lessons for kids of all ages, see my botany unit ... Continue Reading
Preschool botany lesson part 1 – learning the basics about plants
Now that spring is here, I thought it was time to do a basic botany lesson. Now, I'm not much of a gardener at all. Obviously I know that plants need soil and water, but my mom - the kids' grandmum - is the one who knows all about which plants like sun, which plants like shade, and which plants do better in which climates. And since she ... Continue Reading
Water bead science experiment
I really love to do science activities with my kids. Sometimes we cook up elaborate science experiments and demonstrations. But other times, science can be as simple as this water bead science activity. I had no elaborate goal with this activity. I just wanted my kids to observe two water beads in different environments to see what would happen to ... Continue Reading
Fun with oobleck {sensory play}
We always enjoy some messy, sensory play at our house, and this activity was no exception. Oobleck is such a fun substance because it acts like both a liquid and a solid at the same time. If you push it hard, it acts like a solid. But if you just hold it in your hands, it will melt right through your fingers. These properties make oobleck both fun ... Continue Reading
Color matching activity with household objects
I have been working to help XGirl learn her colors. While QBoy has pretty much mastered the basic colors of the rainbow, XGirl is still struggling with naming the colors. I came up with this simple color matching activity using objects from around our house to help her learn her colors - and to have a bit of fun in the process!Note: For more ... Continue Reading
Simple snake craft
Before Chinese New Year, I had seen this cute snake craft at Diana Rambles. Unfortunately we didn't get around to doing the craft as part of our Year of the Snake celebrations. However, after we saw a snake cross our path on a recent family hike, I decided to this craft now in honor of spring. :-) To do this craft, I gathered the following ... Continue Reading
Water bead sensory play
If you are looking for a new sensory play activity to delight your kids, look no further than water beads. Water beads are a crystal polymer that start off as tiny, hard little pellets. After soaking in water and absorbing more than 100 times their weight in water, they grow into gel-like beads that provide a delightful play experience. Although ... Continue Reading
Beach Printables Pack with more than 70 beach activities for kids!
Around our parts, we actually get better beach weather during many parts of the winter and spring than we do during the summer, since summer is when the fog rolls in. Since the start of February, the kids and I have been enjoying a few days at the beach here and there as a chance to frolic in the waves and dig in the sand.Despite the fact ... Continue Reading
Jumping colors {science activities for kids}
This jumping colors science activity had our whole family - including my husband - watching in amazement. It was truly beautiful to watch the colors jump. But it also provided my kids with a basic introduction to the science of soap.Note: Find more science experiments on my Science Activities for Kids page!To do this jumping colors ... Continue Reading