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Now that school is out and summer is here, lots of kids are looking forward to a break from academic work.
But summer is a great time to develop other skills that support academics, such as fine motor skills. And my Summer Fine Motor Pack has just the activities you need to give your child the kind of practice that will prepare him or her to return to school in the fall with a new set of skills.
Strong fine motor skills make it easier for children to work with manipulatives during math time. Fine motor skills are also crucial for supporting children’s emerging writing skills. And imagine doing advanced science work without being able to safely handle the materials.
As you can see, fine motor skills are crucial to so many areas of a child’s learning!
Note: You’ll find more kid-friendly summer activities on my Summer Activities for Kids page!

The 40+ pages of activities in this Summer Fine Motor Pack give children practice with nine different types of fine motor activities that develop across the early childhood years.
1. Pincer Grasp Practice
Children use their thumbs and forefingers in a pincer grasp to place buttons, stickers, coins, or any other small manipulative material on the dots.
A total of three pincer grasp mats are included in this pack.

2. Lacing Practice
Children weave yarn in and out of the holes to practice their lacing skills.
A total of seven lacing practice activities are included in this pack.

3. Tweezer Practice
Children use tweezers to place cotton balls or pom poms on the pictures.
Two different tweezer practice mats are included.

4. Tracing Practice
Children trace lines in a variety of shapes to work on pencil grip and overall fine motor control. The pack includes straight lines, angled lines, curvy lines, and looped lines.
A total of 12 tracing practice worksheets are included featuring both thick (pictured) and thin lines with a variety of strokes.

5. Drawing Shapes
Children work on pencil grip and fine motor control while also learning shapes.
Four different shapes worksheets are included.

6. Q-Tip Writing Practice
Children use a q-tip to fill in ten frames, thereby combining pencil grip skills development and numbers practice.
A total of three different q-tip writing practice activities are included in this pack.

7. Pin Punching Practice
Children use a pin puncher to punch holes in the letters. This is another opportunity to practice pencil grip skills.
Six different pin punching activities are included featuring different letters based on the pictures, such as ‘l’ for lemonade.

8. Hole Punching Practice
Children use a hole puncher to punch holes around the card to really strengthen those hand and finger muscles.
A total of two different hole punching practice sheets are included.

9. Cutting Practice
Children use scissors to cut pictures apart as well as in half along straight and wavy lines.
A variety of cutting practice activities are included, including three like the simple one pictured below plus several others that require children to make different kinds of cuts.

As you can see, this Summer Fine Motor Pack is jam-packed with awesome fine motor activities for kids in preschool through first grade.
Want a copy of my Summer Fine Motor Pack?
Get it as part of the Summer Printables Bundle.
Or get this product by clicking the button below.
More Summer learning resources
More summer printables from Gift of Curiosity:
- Summer Printables Pack
- Summer Do-a-Dot Printables
- Watermelon Printables Pack
- Beach Printables Pack
- Camping Do-a-Dot Printables
- Ice Cream Sudoku
You’ll find more resources for summer learning and fun on my Summer Activities for Kids page and my Summer Activities Pinterest board.