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This year, my son is in first grade and my daughter is in kindergarten. Both are learning to read, which means we are thick in the middle of learning as many sight words as we can.
I try to find fun and engaging ways to get them to practice their sight words. One idea I’ve tried capitalizes on their love of the game tic-tac-toe. See how we played sight word tic-tac-toe as a great way to get lots of sight word practice in. This would also be a great way to practice spelling words too!
We played sight word tic-tac-toe on our white board, but you could just use a piece of paper if you prefer. The kids drew the tic-tac-toe playing board.
Then, instead of using X’s and O’s, we each picked a sight word. In this particular game, XGirl was practicing the sight word “me” and I was writing the sight word “you.”
The rules are the same as regular tic-tac-toe. The first person to get three in a row wins. (But as long as my kids are practicing their sight words, I think we all end up winners!)
More reading resources
More sight word posts from Gift of Curiosity:
You can find more ideas for supporting children’s reading skills on my Literacy Activities for Kids page and my Reading, Writing, and Spelling Skills Pinterest board.
Follow Katie @ Gift of Curiosity’s board Reading, Writing, and Spelling skills on Pinterest.