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Symmetry is an important concept in both math and art. In addition, symmetry is commonly found in nature. For example, faces, bodies, and flowers are all generally symmetrical.
But did you know that there are different kinds of symmetry?
I think it is common to consider symmetry only in terms of reflection symmetry, which is the quality of being made up of identical, facing parts. A symmetrical object, therefore, can be divided into identical parts that are mirror images of each other.
Last year I released a Basic Symmetry Activities Pack with more than 45 engaging activities to help children develop and master an understanding of reflection symmetry.
However, there are other types of symmetry as well, including rotational symmetry. Rotational symmetry (known in biology as radial symmetry) is the property a shape has when it looks the same after being rotated by a partial turn.
Today I am releasing my Advanced Symmetry Activities Pack to help develop children’s understanding of rotational symmetry through engaging, hands-on activities.
Note: For more hands-on math activities and printables, see my Math Activities for Kids page.
Please note that I recommend children have a solid understanding of reflection symmetry before you introduce rotational symmetry. As such, these activities will likely be most appropriate for children in grades 1 and up.
The activities in my Advanced Symmetry Activities Pack include:
Does the Figure Have Rotational Symmetry?
Does the image have Rotational Symmetry?
Hands-On Work with Orders of Symmetry
How Many Orders of Symmetry Does the Figure Have?
Fill in the Missing Parts of the Figure
Altogether, the Advanced Symmetry Activities Pack includes more than 20 hands-on symmetry activities that help children to better understand rotational symmetry. The activities come with answer keys so adults can be sure they are teaching the concepts correctly.
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More resources for teaching math
More math activities from Gift of Curiosity:
For more activities, resources, and printables for teaching math, see my Math Activities for Kids page and my Math Pinterest board.