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Does your child have trouble with spelling?
Does copying the same word over and over again result in frustration rather than actual learning?
Kids learn best when they are having fun and when multiple senses are engaged.
My daughter struggles with spelling. So I have had to get creative with how we do things.
I set up a series of stations for her to practice spelling words in a variety of multi-sensory ways. She has enjoyed the practice a lot more than just copying words over and over on a sheet of paper.
And while she’s not quite a spelling rock star, I do see that this type of multi-sensory practice has helped her learn to spell more words than our old methods of teaching spelling.
Note: You can find more ideas for supporting children’s spelling skills on my literacy activities for kids page.

Below I’m presenting the spelling stations I put together for my daughter.
However, you do not have to copy what we did exactly. Use what you like and adapt other ideas based on the resources you have available in your home. With just a little bit of effort you can come up with your own creative and multi-sensory ways of doing spelling practice with your child.
Spell words with modeling clay
The first station of our multi-sensory spelling activity is the clay station. My daughter uses our Plastilina modeling clay to form each letter of the target word.

Spell words with magnetic letter tiles
We own a set of magnetic letter tiles that we have previously used with our All About Spelling programs. My daughter selects the letters she needs and spells the word by putting the letter tiles into the correct position on our magnetic white board.

Spell words in sand
For our next station I filled a tray with kinetic sand. She uses a toothpick to write the words in the sand.

Spell words on a white board
For the next station, I put out our Crayola Dry Erase Activity Center and she uses the markers to write the word on her mini white board.

Spell words using the Montessori moveable alphabet
We own a Montessori moveable alphabet. My daughter selects the letters from the box and spells the word on the table.

Spell words using your body
I believe in getting the whole body involved in learning! So for one station she has to use her body to form the letters of the word. Here she is creating a lowercase ‘h’ to spell ‘have.’

Spell words using rainbow writing
The last station is what I call “rainbow writing.” I leave out a variety of colored crayons for her, and she has to pick three different colors to write the word three different times on paper.

Adapting this idea for your home or classroom
The lovely thing about setting up multi-sensory spelling stations is that you can totally customize the experience for your home or classroom using the materials you have on hand.
Here are just a few of the possible stations you could set up:
- write words in shaving cream
- use a brush to paint words in water on the sidewalk
- use colorful tape to spell words
- air write the words (use a finger to “write” the words in the air)
- write words in a salt tray
- use a toy car to spell words by “driving” the car to form the letters
- hide letters in a sensory bin and have your child find the letters needed to spell the word
- sing the letters for each word
If you have any great ideas for other spelling stations, please leave them in the comments below!
More literacy resources
More literacy posts from Gift of Curiosity:
- 101 Ways to Teach the Alphabet
- How to teach syllable counting
- Sight word magic
- Sight word tic-tac-toe
- Blending practice with letter beads
- Sentence challenges
You can find more ideas for supporting children’s reading skills on my Literacy Activities for Kids page and my Reading, Writing, and Spelling Skills Pinterest board.