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Smiling jack-o-lanterns.
Friendly witches.
Silly ghosts.
These are just a few of the characters your preschooler will meet in my Halloween Preschool Math Pack.
Previously, this pack was only available as part of my Halloween Printables Bundle.
But starting today you can also purchase it as a standalone product.
I hope my Halloween Preschool Math Pack will be a great addition to your preschooler’s learning opportunities this season.
Keep in mind that young children should not be required to do a lot of seat work. So use this pack in a fun and playful way to help your child develop key early math skills.
Keep lessons short and sweet.
This will go a long way toward helping your child develop the math skills needed to succeed in school. . . and in life!
Note: For more Halloween printables, see my Halloween Activities for Kids page.

What are preschool math skills?
Most of us probably think of math as adding and subtracting, multiplying and dividing. And preschoolers aren’t generally ready to do this kind of math, of course.
But there are many early math concepts we want preschoolers to understand that will get them ready to start start adding and subtracting when they are older.
For example, preschoolers need to understand:
- shapes, sizes, and patterns
- that numbers represent amounts of objects
- that numbers can be expressed in a variety of forms, including spoken words, written words, written number symbols, and even using fingers
- how to compare quantities using terms like “less” and “more”
- one-to-one correspondence (the notion that one number goes with one object when counting)
The activities in this pack are designed to support the development and reinforcement of these important preschool math skills.
What’s in the Halloween Preschool Math Pack?
This Halloween Preschool Math Pack contains more than 75 pages of developmentally appropriate, print-and-play math activities geared toward children ages 2-5.
Preschoolers are learning to recognize patterns. With the activities in this pack, they will have the opportunity to identify and complete ABAB, AAB, ABB, and ABC patterns.
In addition, there’s a worksheet children can use to create their own patterns with stickers, crayons, buttons, etc.

A key early math skill – one that comes before learning to count objects – is recognizing relative sizes of groups of objects. We want preschoolers to be able to look at two groups and know which group has more objects and which group has less.
This pack includes several different activities to work on an understanding of more vs. less, including worksheets and clip cards. In addition, the activities are differentiated for children working with smaller quantities (1 vs. 2) and children ready to work with larger quantities (up to 5).

Many preschoolers are ready to work on counting activities. At first, children may count objects without recognizing or understanding the symbols for the numbers they are counting. For that reason, this pack includes a number of counting activities that do not use number symbols.
For example:
- Count and clip one-to-one correspondence cards
- Circle the group with the same number shown on the hand
- Circle the number of objects shown on the hand
- Grid games

For children who have some proficiency with number symbols, this preschool math pack features a variety of activities to support their emerging understanding:
- Circle the group with same number shown: numeral recognition
- Circle the number of objects shown: numeral recognition
- Clip the number that is larger
- Count the objects and match the number
- Clip the number showing how many items there are
- Five frames
- Ten frames
- Twenty frames
- Put the number cards in order from 1 to 10

Preschoolers are also expected to develop an understanding of size and measurement, especially measuring with non-standard units.
Standard units are ones we typically use such as inches for measuring distance, pounds for measuring weight, and gallons for measuring volume.
Non-standard units, on the other hand, are used to introduce children to the concept of measuring without the need for them to read numbers or scales. So a child might use a non-standard measure such as steps to determine that their classroom is 30 steps long while the cafeteria is 150 steps long.
This preschool math pack includes activities where kids will sort objects by size (both little vs. big and small, medium, and large) and put objects in order from smallest to biggest.
In addition, there are both clip cards and worksheets where children will be asked to identify how many units tall a bar is.

Want a copy of my Halloween Preschool Math Pack?
Get it as part of the Preschool Math Pack Bundle.
Or get it as part of the Halloween Printables Bundle.
Or get this product by clicking the button below.
More Halloween resources
More Halloween printables from Gift of Curiosity:
- Halloween Printables Pack
- Jack-o-Lantern Printables Pack
- Jack-o-Lantern I Spy
- Halloween Play Dough Mats
- Halloween Do-a-Dot Printables
- Halloween Search Games
- Pumpkin Outlines
You can find more Halloween printables on my Halloween Activities for Kids page and Halloween Activities for Kids Pinterest board.